Organizers and Sponsors

- Telecommunications Society
- School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade
- IEEE Region 8
- IEEE Serbia & Montenegro Section
- IEEE Serbia & Montenegro ComSoc Chapter
- IEEE Serbia & Montenegro CIS Chapter
- Ministry of Information and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia
- Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia
- Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia
- Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services – RАTEL
Special sponsors
- VLATACOM, Belgrade
Sponsors (alphabetical order)
- A1 Serbia, Belgrade
- CETIN Serbia, Belgrade
- CISCO, Belgrade
- ERICSSON, Belgrade
- Ibis Instruments, Belgrade
- IEEE Serbia & Montenegro CIS Chapter
- Ingram Micro, Belgrade
- Institute Mihajlo Pupin, Belgrade
- IRITЕL, Belgrade
- Maksnet, Belgrade
- Netico Solutions, Niš
- NOKIA, Belgrade
- Rohde & Schwarz, Belgrade
- SBB, Belgrade
- Serbian Chamber of Engineers, Belgrade
- Serbian National Internet Domain Registry – RNIDS, Belgrade
- TERI Engineering, Belgrade
- Yettel Serbia, Belgrade
Open Call for Supporters of the Telecommunications Forum TELFOR
Dear Madam / Sir,
Telecommunications Society Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering - University of Belgrade, IEEE Serbia and Montenegro ComSoc Chapter, IEEE Serbia and Montenegro Section and IEEE Region 8, supported by TELEKOM SRBIJA, A1, YETTEL, Institute VLATACOM, Ministry of Information and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia, Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services – RATEL and many other donors, friends and supporters, organize again
Telecommunications Forum TELFOR
Telecommunications Forum TELFOR is the IEEE international event. TELFOR is organized with a large number of very good papers and with about 1500 participants and visitors. Traditionally, TELFOR aims to consider important scientific and professional aspects in the field of telecommunications and information technologies (ICT). TELFOR has a significant influence and response among the professional and scientific public. The participants are scientists, researchers, experts, engineers, technicians, managers, producers, operators, economists, lawyers, students, traders, publishers, etc. Plenary sessions are organized with invited lectures and presentations by invited companies, then numerous sections with regular or student papers, round tables, seminars, tutorials, exhibitions, etc. Leading international and domestic companies from the field of telecommunications and IT are invited to attend TELFOR and present their results, well-known world experts give their views on the development of telecommunications and its sub-fields, TELFOR has its own exhibition of telecommunications hardware, software, systems and services, and as an accompanying activities special events of individual companies, displays of new books, professional gatherings, receptions and meetings, are organized. Every year, TELFOR has hundreds of registered and invited author's papers from all areas of telecommunications and IT. The authors are from over 30 countries in the region, Europe and the world. Over 50% of the authors reside outside of Serbia.
Several dozens of participating international companies were in some way involved in TELFOR activities during the past years, among which there were the international telecommunications companies like Agilent, Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Ericsson, HP, Huawei, IBM, Intracom, Juniper, Microsoft, Motorola, Nokia, Rohde&Schwarz, Siemens, Teri Engineering, Oracle Communications, Roaming, Amdocs, etc., together with their local partners, as well as around 30 other domestic and international supporting organizations.
TELFOR is the largest and most influential international forum in the wider field of telecommunications and information technologies (ICT) in our region. Given the very broad range of interests and activities that are represented at TELFOR, we have no doubt that many companies and institutions will find the scientific, economic, promotional and / or professional interest to participate or help the work of TELFOR. That's why we made this open invitation to current and future TELFOR DONORS.
Any help is appreciated, but Organizers expect that:
- SPECIAL DONORS - sign special contract with the Organizers,
- MAIN DONORS - make donations of minimum 400.000 RSD, or equivalent in Euros,
- DONORS - make donations of minimum 200.000 RSD, or equivalent in Euros,
- DONORS - FRIENDS - make donations of minimum 100.000 RSD, or equivalent in Euros.
The organizers of TELFOR intend to especially thank and point out their donors in all actions during the preparation, promotion and during TELFOR. The list of all donors will be printed in the TELFOR Program and published in the Proceedings and on the TELFOR website. The Organizers will provide donors the space in the Proceedings of TELFOR size of one A4 page, within which the donors can present their product program and other data important for their presentation (the electronic version of the material should be submitted to the Organizers by November 5th). The organizers are also willing to distribute appropriate promotional materials of special and main donors to TELFOR participants during participant registration, as well as to place LOGO signs of special and main donors on the TELFOR website, linked to their Internet pages. The organizers invite TELFOR donors to present their programs, results, plans and development visions during TELFOR at special, technical, informative, and commercial presentations. TELFOR donors have special benefits at the TELFOR exhibition.
Please see web page The website has published a call for papers. Your employees are welcome to submit their scientific papers. If you are interested in some other type of cooperation, please contact us (, 064 1404461). Ask the Organizer for additional information for donors.
Being sure that you will support TELFOR, upon request, we will provide you with a prepared and signed donor agreement, with attachments. Of course, we are ready to change the contract in accordance with your wishes.
After signing the contract, the payment is to be made to:
Bank Account Number (for payments in RSD): 160-19399-79;
IBAN (for payments in Euros): /RS35160005080000790663, (BANCAINTESA, Serbia,SWIFT DBDBRSBG),
Account name:"Telecommunications Society”, Belgrade.
Purpose of the payment: Donation for TELFOR.
(According to the law, donations are not connected with the payments of goods and services. VAT is not applicable and tax evidence is not necessary. Supporters can make payment based on the signed contract, without an invoice.)
Contact:, +381641404461, +381641115983.
Prof. Dr Aleksandar Nešković, Steering Committee Chair
All payments are to be made to:
Bank Account Number (for payments in dinars - RSD)
IBAN (for payments in Euros)
Name of the Account
"Telecommunications Society - Belgrade"
Purpose of the payment:
"Donation for Telfor"
All information and/or inquires:
Danka Despotović, Tel. +381641404461, e-mail:
Adresa: TELFOR, ETF, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, PF 3554, 11120 Belgrade, Serbia
General Information on Exhibition
Within the framework of the TELFOR’s program, the exhibition of the communication hardware, software, systems, services, and accompanying equipment will be held, where the companies could present their production programs. The exhibition will take place in the hall of the Crowne Plaza in the part where the conference is held.
As a present or future important partner of the Telecommunications Society, ETF School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade and IEEE Serbia & Montenegro ComSoc Chapter, we invite you to take part in this year TELFOR’s Exhibition!
In accordance with the tradition of doing each year something new, the organizers specifically decided to help small and medium enterprises engaged in information technology. Thus, the exhibition stands of 3x2m2 will be offered under favorable renting conditions.
Forum's organizers are also offering attractive and discounted rental prices of larger stands, with additional discounts for donors and perennial exhibitors.
Renting prices and paying conditions
The standard price of renting space, i.e. one stand space costs EUR 800 (in dinar equivalent for the middle exchange rate of the NBS on the day of payment) + VAT, for the entire duration of TELFOR.
Donors-friends of TELFOR receive a 50% discount on the purchase of one 3x2m2 stand, TELFOR Donors receive a 75% discount on the purchase of one 3x2m2 stand, and TELFOR Main Donors receive one free 3x2m2 stand. If the exhibitors need a second stand space of 3x2m2, the full price is paid for it.
Special TELFOR Supporters – special agreements are possible!
Upon defining the displaying space, the TELFOR Secretary (Danka Despotović, +381 64 1404461, e-mail will send to exhibitor an corresponding invoice.
Bank Account Number (for payments in dinars - RSD)
IBAN (for payments in Euros) (BANCA INTESA ad Beograd, Serbia, SWIFT DBDBRSBG)
Name of the Account
"Telecommunications Society - Belgrade"
Purpose of the payment:
“TELFOR Exhibition”
The order form can be downloaded from the TELFOR website, so that the potential exhibitor can fill it out in advance, verify it and send it as a preliminary application.
Technical conditions
The basic size of the stand is 3x2m2. The exhibitor can rent several 3x2m2 stand spaces. Exhibitors can set up their own stand on the leased stand place, and they can also use the services of MESSE company, which has many years of cooperation with Crowne Plaza. Exhibitors who decide to use the services of the MESSE company will be provided with all necessary materials related to the appearance of the stand with basic elements, a catalog of additional furniture and instructions for preparing for the printing (the materials should be requested from the representative of TELFOR for the exhibition, Dr. Dejan Drajić, tel. + 381 63 251 734, e-mail After that, the exhibitors will directly agree with MESSE further details about the stand, create the layout of the stand, and make all payments related to the stand directly to MESSE.
The company-exhibitor should, as soon as possible forward its application for the participation in the exhibition, send data about its representative (name, function, telephone, e-mail address), required number of stands places and define its possible particular requests. The order form can be downloaded from the TELFOR website, so that the potential exhibitor can fill it out in advance, verify it and send it as a preliminary application.
The representative of the company-exhibitor will, together with the TELFOR’s representative (Dr Dejan Drajić, tel. +381 63 251 734, e-mail ) coordinate the submitted requests and choose the stand location, after which the exhibitors will set up and arrange the stand independently or in cooperation with the MESSE company.
The exhibition space must be arranged on Monday, the day before the start of TELFOR in the evening, which will be delivered in a timely manner by Crowne Plaza. The stand could be dismantled ONLY upon the completion of all the TELFOR activities on Wednesday after 19:00h.
Particular conditions
The exhibiting space and the number of exhibitors are somewhat limited. The requests are to be harmonized in advance with the TELFOR’s representative, the companies that do it earlier having priority. Donor companies of TELFOR have priority, according to the order of payments and the size of the leased stand places.
All requests and agreements are finally accepted only upon the official confirmation.
During the TELFOR, the companies-exhibitors can organize their own activities at their stands, for example, presentations, meetings or press conferences. These activities are to be complied with the Forum’s organizer.
The TELFOR’s representative in charge for the exhibition and commercial presentations:
Dr. Dejan Drajić.
Mobile phone: +381 63 251 734,
All other information and/or inquires:
Danka Despotović, TELFOR Secretary
Tel. +381 64 1404461, Fax +381 11 3248681, e-mail:
Address: TELFOR, ETF, Bul. kralja Aleksandra 73, PF 3554, 11120 Belgrade, Serbia
We are expecting you at the TELFOR’s exhibition. Sincere regards!